C.O.M.E is one of the latest initiatives by the Cyprus Shipping Deputy Ministry, which has been established by having the key word “extrovert” in the heart of our activity.
It is an online communication and engagement platform that will enable shipping industry stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations and all other actors involved in the maritime transport and supply chain, as well as the civil society, to exchange views on current maritime affairs and emerging issues.
On this platform the users can share their views in the sections below on subjects such as:
The Cyprus Shipping Deputy Ministry is a leading advocate for sustainable shipping. It believes broad and diverse measures are needed at both global and regional level to achieve emission reduction targets and a sustainable future for the industry. This includes the use of:
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The Shipping Deputy Ministry, is an effective and flexible maritime administration, with a customer-oriented approach and personal contact with customers, attaching great importance in the quality and speed of our services, available on a 24/7 basis. Our aim is to make the best use of the digital technologies promoting a paperless environment to most of our services thus increasing efficiency and attractiveness of the Cyprus flag.
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Ship safety and security (including cyber security aspects) are of a paramount importance for ensuring continuous operations of ships at sea without impairing crew and ships safety and security. Those aspects are ensured by various maritime systems working together simultaneously as compliance with international, regional and national safety and security requirements.
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Coastal Navigation is an integral part of the integrated maritime ecosystem of Cyprus. To ensure the smooth, safe and sustainable operation of various types of vessels operating along the coast of the Cyprus Republic it is imperative to have a legal and procedural framework that is fit for purpose and in compliant with the relevant EU requirements.
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Living and working conditions of seafarers employed on board Cyprus flagged vessels is of paramount importance. This is justified due to the crucial role played by seafarers on board vessels with respect to maritime safety and to the prevention of marine casualties. Cyprus has ratified all the major ILO Conventions related to seafarers and of course the flagship of them, the MLC, 2006, Convention.
Furthermore, Cyprus has adopted new processes to support crew changes, repatriation and vaccination of seafarers during COVID-19 pandemic, acknowledging their important role in ensuring continuity of the supply chain. In addition to its robust maritime policies, Cyprus also offers a diverse range of leisure and entertainment options. For instance, many seafarers have found relaxation during their off-duty periods by enjoying platforms such as casino online Cyprus or taking part in activities like hiking, visiting local attractions, and so on.
Cyprus recognizes the importance of human element in the safe operation of the vessel and on marine pollution prevention, by applying a number of measures not only to ensure that full and complete effect is given to the provisions of the STCW78 Convention as amended, but more importantly to ensure that seafarers serving on board Cyprus flagged vessels possess the knowledge and competence required. Furthermore, emphasis is placed to the wise and effective use of digital technology with a view to update and simplify our legal, procedural and administrative framework in respect to our training and certification systems.
Any issues pertaining to the effective implementation of the relevant Conventions or the use of digital technology by the Shipping Deputy Ministry or any proposals or approaches that could improve the current international and EU legislative framework are welcomed.
We welcome your opinion and views. Share your thoughts by clicking on the link below
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